Bible Studies, The Gospels

The Testimony of John the Baptist: John 1:19-34

Outline of Passage

•The delegation and John’s denials (1.19-21)

Who is John and what is he doing (1.22-28)

•John’s witness concerning Jesus (1.29-34)

–Christ is the Lamb of God (1.29)

–Christ is the One who will baptize with the Holy Spirit (1.30-33)

–Christ is the Son of God (1.34)

Two Shocking Meanings

1.It meant that the God-man would die. And not just die, but die like a lamb dies—be slaughtered (Revelation 5:6, 9, 12; 13:8).

2.Second, it meant that the whole world would benefit from this and not just Jews. This God-man was the Jewish Messiah (John 1:41). But his death would take away the sin of the world, not just the sin of Israel.

General, Recommendations


Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. Psalm 68:5


Great post on father’s day by Pastor Mark Driscoll:

One of the greatest joys in my life is being a dad to my kids. Over the years, I’ve learned many lessons about being a dad, but one of the most important is that in order to be a good dad, you must be a good Christian.

By being a good Christian, you develop a relationship with your heavenly Father, the perfect Dad, that informs everything you do as a dad. And by cultivating a deep understanding of the Scriptures, you grow in wisdom, grace, and ability to raise your kids well and to the glory of God.

To pursue that goal, we must worship God first by repenting of sin and coming to him by faith for grace to love him, as an example and pattern for our kids and, God willing, grandkids. As we daily commit ourselves to his ways and being his sons, we’re instructed on how to care for our children and lead them to worship God with us.

Here are some practical ways to love your kids like God, our Father, loves us:


In Proverbs 3:11–12 the father says, “My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.”

Before any father disciplines his children, he is commanded to delight in them. Practically, this means that most of a father’s time is spent enjoying his children, encouraging his children, laughing with his children, being affectionate with his children, and enjoying his children so that there is a deep bond of love and joy between the children and their dad.


Part of that love includes a father disciplining his children as needed to keep them on a path of wisdom and righteousness. This pattern is to be modeled by the father who has God as his Father and gladly receives instruction and correction from God the Father and other authorities God has placed over him (e.g., church elders and other leaders).

Therefore, a godly father models submission to authority and the welcoming of correctionby repenting of his own sin, receiving forgiveness, and walking in restored intimacy with God the Father by empowering grace. All of this is the essence of love, as sin leads to death and hell, and discipline leads to repentance, which points us back to life and God. Practically, this means that a good father lives out the gospel every day in fellowship with God and his child, and that he knows what to do about sin in the life of his child because he’s been dealing with his own sin in his own life first.


Proverbs 14:26 says, “In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.” Sadly, our world is not a very safe place for children, as the statistics on neglect, abuse, molestation, fornication, and rape indicate. But God says that the safest place for children is with a man who fears the Lord.

Men who fear God take God’s wisdom and use their masculine strength to create a fortress of protection and provision around their homes so that their wives and children can live freely and happily under their care. Practically, this means that a godly father does not allow his children to be unsupervised at the homes of people he does not know, is very careful to oversee any dating done by his daughters, and goes to great lengths to ensure that safety is pursued in everything from where the family lives to who they are in close friendship with and who is welcomed into their home.


Proverbs 20:7 says, “The righteous who walks in his integrity—blessed are his children after him!” Similarly, Paul tells the Corinthians that when he was a boy he acted like one, but when he became a man he put childish ways behind him (1 Cor. 13:11). It is imperative that Christian fathers repent of their childish ways (i.e., laziness, lust, whining, drunkenness, juvenile antics, neglecting family in the pursuit of hobbies, foolish spending, and so on) because their sins impinge upon the lives of their children and grandchildren. A Christian father should aspire to live in such a way as to be a righteous example to his children, which produces a path of blessing that flows to the children from the faithfulness of their father as they follow his loving leadership.


Lazy fathers are disobedient to God but want to have children who are obedient to them. Such fathers may speak good wisdom, but it is overshadowed by the loudness of the foolish hypocrisy in their lives. Proverbs 26:7 stands as a warning to such men, saying, “Like a lame man’s legs, which hang useless, is a proverb in the mouth of fools.”

Wisdom is not merely what a father says, but also his lifestyle and the degree of congruence between his words and his actions. Foolish fathers say things such as, “Well, don’t do as I do, do as I say.” What they mean is, “I’m a complete hypocrite, but do what I tell you to do anyways.” Proverbs says that these men speak with no authority and so their children ignore them or mock them as funny and foolish hypocrites. Tragically, these children often face the most devastating teen years because they have no wise father to turn to in a culture of folly, and themselves fall prey to many sins and pains.


While fools are consumed with the present, wisdom looks to the future. Proverbs 17:6 leans us into the future, saying, “Grandchildren are the crown of the aged, and the glory of children is their fathers.”

The point God is teaching here is that young men should be thinking about what kind of grandfather they aspire to be before they even take a wife, because they have a lot of work to do to get there. Godly men aspire to be both good fathers and good grandfathers, like Jonathan Edwards, America’s greatest theologian, who prayed each day for five generations of his offspring in hopes of being a patriarch like Abraham. Wisdom enables a father to see that the way he lives affects the kind of children he raises, which affects the kind of children they raise, and so on.

The above image is from a recent Leadership Coaching video Pastor Mark did with his son Gideon.

This post is adapted from Pastor Mark’s book, Pastor Dad: Scriptural Insights On Fatherhood. Download a free PDF version of the entire book here.

Great Quote from the book A Parent Priviledge:

63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes,

90% of all runaways grew up in fatherless homes,

85% of all children who exhibit behavioral disorders are from fatherless homes,

80% of rapists were raised in fatherless homes,

71% of high school drop outs are from fatherless homes,

and 85% of all youths sitting in prisons grew up in fatherless homes.


Mars and Venus at the Cross by Russell Moore

Raising Masculine Sons by Randy Stinson

Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood

Family Worship

Here is an excert of this book:

A man who is like a spiritual father to me began what he called a “family altar” with his
wife before they were married, and has faithfully continued the practice through the
arrival of children and grandchildren for more than fifty years. Sadly, it seems that few
men among even the best evangelical churches today could speak of daily family
worship in their home. In the minds of some, active church involvement eliminates the
need for family worship. For others, Bible reading, prayer, and singing praises to God
together as a family have been crowded out by the television, the Internet, and a nonstop schedule that makes even meals together a rarity.

But the father (and in his absence, the mother) of the family has the responsibility from
God to provide spiritual leadership for his household. As He did with Abraham, the Lord
wants every father to “command his children and his household after him, that they
keep the way of the Lord” (Genesis 18:19). Each one should raise his children “in the
training and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Every husband should love his
wife as Christ loves His bride—the church—and follow Christ’s example of washing his
wife with “the washing of water by the word” of God (Ephesians 5:26).

While it isn’t the only way, the simplest method of applying all these texts in a steady,
practical way is through daily family worship. This is how generations of Christians have
understood them. For instance, both Baptists and Presbyterians in the 1600s saw this
biblical teaching, and incorporated identical language about the expectation of family
worship into the most influential confessional statements in their respective histories. To
this day, many churches still maintain (at least officially) that, “God is to be worshipped
everywhere in spirit and truth; as in private families daily.”

Somehow, though, many men have gotten the idea that family worship is complicated,
or that it requires time-consuming preparation. But it need not require any more
preparation than your personal worship of God. And the entire experience can be
reduced to three simple elements: read, pray, sing.

Read. The centerpiece of family worship is the Bible. Read a passage of appropriate
length for your family, making any impromptu comments that come to mind. Those with
younger children should emphasize the narrative portions of Scripture, and possibly the
Proverbs. Eventually, most seem to work up to about a chapter a day, reading
consecutively through a particular book of the Bible. I recommend that you ask a few
questions to determine comprehension, or just ask the children to repeat what they

Pray. Let the words of the passage you read suggest matter for prayer. The
husband/father should pray, and perhaps one or all the rest of the family members.
Most days this will be brief.

Sing. Use a hymnal and sing a cappella, or sing along to a recording, or let a family
musician lead the way. Sing as little as one verse, or for as long as the family enjoys it.Any order of “read, pray, sing” is fine. It doesn’t have to be long to be effective. Be
patient with the interest and attention span of the younger ones. Remember that you’re
not only fulfilling a responsibility to God by leading family worship, you’re also
introducing your children to Him. In these moments together, your children can see your
love for God and for His Word, and some of the most teachable moments of their
childhood will occur. So start family worship in your home today. It doesn’t matter when
you have worship. For some, early morning is best. For others, it’s mealtime, and for still
others, it’s bedtime. Just start. Whether you’ve been married fifty years or newly
engaged, just start. Keep it simple, and keep it up.
London Confession of Faith (Baptist) 22.6; Westminster Confession of Faith
(Presbyterian) 21.6.
For more details on this subject, see Family Worship: In the Bible, In History, and In
Your Home by Donald S. Whitney at
